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David Game Higher Education

David Game Higher Education (DGHE) is and independent college based in the Centre of London offering BTEC HND, Top-Up and Degree courses in the areas of business and marketing, health and social care, public services and criminology, and art and design.

DGHE is the Higher Education division of David Game College Group, which was founded in 1974 and has consistently delivered high-quality teaching and extra personalised support to ensure student success. Registered with the Office for Students (OfS), the college has been awarded the QAA Quality Mark for meeting or exceeding UK expectations for quality and standards.

DGHE offers a small, welcoming, vibrant, inclusive ad supportive learning environment that supports students to reach their full potential and advance their careers. We deliver high-quality, empowering education. Our lecturers offer industry experience and exceptional teaching talent, and students come from diverse backgrounds.

DGHE courses are delivered 2 days a week, or evenings and weekends, to support a healthy study-life balance. Students get tailored careers and mental health support. HND, Top-Up, Foundation and Degree options let students break down the educational journey, one step at a time. We offer small classes and 1-to-1 teaching. Those who choose to study at DGHE will find a friendly and enriching atmosphere to do their best.

The DGHE campus is located in a well-facilitated building in central London, close to many transit hubs including Tower Hill, Aldgate, Fenchurch and Liverpool Street Stations. We also provide online study tools to supplement the learning experience.


David Game Higher Education Centre

32-35 Jewry Street



Telephone: 020 3220 0347

Email DGHE: info@dghe.ac.uk


Higher National Diploma



Fees for an English student: £8,900

Required UCAS Points: 32 - 56


% satisfied with teaching quality: 88%

% satisfied with course quality: 91%


Tuition fees: £9,250

UCAS points: 56


Top-up Degree

Tuition fees: £9,250

UCAS points: n/a

Tuition fees: £9,250

UCAS points: n/a

Tuition fees: £9,250

UCAS points: n/a


Bachelor’s Degree

Tuition fees: £9,250

UCAS points: 80

Tuition fees: £9,250

UCAS points: 96


Course UCAS Points Fees for an English student
Art and Design - Graphic Design [] 56 8900
Business [] 56 8900
Business & Marketing Management [] 80 9250
Health and Social Science [] 96 9250
Public Services [] 56 8900

No details available